Always One More Step

Here is a piece from a writing I did last night. As I have learned and found through action. Writing helps move energy and open doors to rooms in my big mind. To recollections of the past to help the future.

“ I find myself feeling grateful to have these experiences. To share the stories and lessons of what I learned during such a tumultuous and rigorous time in my life. 

War is infectious. It darkens your soul. The longer you’re exposed to war, the more your humanity is sucked from your soul… much like a tick on a dog. 

   It takes away from who you used to be or want to be. And in the same light, working to regain our humanity is much like war. 

  You will face the unknown and expose yourself to elements that you couldn't prepare for. 

  As I walk through the shadows of death. It offered me a contrast and the fuel to live.  Remembering to always take one more step no matter the circumstances.”


Growing Pains


What Scares Me