Creative Writing

Welcome to a fun project that I am doing for myself as I get into more short story fiction creative writing. I have found this to be a fun place to come and explore as it separates me from every other part of life. A space with no limitations but my own and controlled by my own efforts. Imagination and reality are part of the creative writing process for those who dive head first into neverland and a place that others seek when reading fiction. 

“Where’d You Go” is my first short story that I am starting, it has been a year long process of getting this story out.

Where’d You Go - Part 1

Piece from Chapter 1

Andy approaches the bank looking for a spot to pee and walks further away from Tim up the river. Sliding his feet along the bottom of the creek trying to avoid scaring the fish. He trips over a log, and with not enough time to react, his fishing reel hits the water, making a loud SPLASH! Andy’s face follows, hitting the mirror-like water shattering it to pieces. Caught off guard, Andy gets back to his feet and inspects the fishing rod making sure it is still in tack. Looking down to see what he tripped over, he notices a pale skin-like log between two elephant ear brushes. Andy takes his fishing reel, pokes at the object that caught his feet, unsure what it is. Andy crouches down to get a better look; he looks into the vegetation, uncertain of what he is seeing, yells, “What the Hell,” stumbles back, losing his balance again, SWISH, SWISH, SPLASH! He falls again into the river. Andy gets up slowly, yells for Tim, “It’s a dead body,” in shock, he starts to inspect. 

Tim hurries over, “Did I hear you right? A dead body?” as he tugs on Andy's shoulder, moving towards him. Tim feels Andy’s body trembling, stumbling over his words. Andy looks at Tim, turns and points to the dead body between the green elephant's ear-like brushes and river mush. 

To keep reading, please click the link below and follow along with the series.

Read “Where’d You Go?” Now


The Rider


Words and Magic Tricks