Ever sit and untangle earphones that have been ran through the washer and dryer? Let me say that it almost took the best of me, it almost made me give up, and say fuck it.
Resistance’s force pulled strong this morning within me, unsure why, and not sure why. But it took almost a full hour before my fingers typed any word’s this morning. Now, this happen after a shower, putting away the dishes, drinking some high-quality h2o with lemon and sea salt - fancy yes - and meditation paired with breathing work.
Now, this is not my daily practice routine, it contains things that are in my practice to get me set up for the day and write but it seems to always change per morning depending on the energy that’s running through me. Either, a bound happens out of a bed, or a slow and chill reserving energy vibe pulls into the day. Now those two are both very very normal for me to feel, with a happy balance of them both.
This morning the reserve energy kind flowed through my being, body, mind, and heart settling in for the day to start. Saturday and Sunday look a bit similar in terms of my flow for the things that are practiced in my daily lifestyle. The experiences surrounding that practice are ever-changing; filling me with pleasant and relaxing energy.
A magical sensation fills my inside listening to Estes Tone, who takes me far away into my mind galaxies. My mind no longer stuck on the earphones being tangled as they are now being used to listen to his beautiful picking of guitar strings and sounds creating art for my soul.
It does matter it seems to untangle the things that might be causing resistance. The lesson here is that no matter how tangled you become, you can always become untangled and provide beautiful art as these earphones. In my head, they were broken and blown out from being soaked with laundry soap and high amounts of heat. Without giving up and putting my attention fully into figuring out where the wires crossed, looped, and twisted, made the process a bit smoother. Tracing the right earphone back to the middle where it twists, loops, and crosses over the left earphone to see it is wrapped around the main line that connects to the phone. A hot mess express no different than me.
When the earphones are tangled, untangle them, you might be surprised how it can show you how you handle entanglement in your life. It is not as simple as you think.
This morning writing jams